Electricity from Clean Texas Natural Gas™
A power plant built in the vicinity of Frame Switch, Williamson County, would be “electrically” close to large transmission lines which could easily transport the output of the power plant to other customers on the ERCOT grid in areas such as Austin, San Antonio, Dallas, or Houston.
In the fall of 2012 a group of individuals now numbering seventeen, formed a Texas Corporation to specifically build a power plant in the area between Hutto and Taylor, Williamson County, Texas. The corporation was named Frame Switch Energy, Inc for the area of Frame Switch which lies along US Hwy 79 and the Union Pacific Railroad.
Supply clean, low cost emergency power for the Texas "ERCOT" Grid. As power generators expand the use of alternate power sources such as wind & solar "farms", the Texas electrical grid becomes more vulnerable to catastrophic collapse. Building a "clean" plant close to the consumers in the populous Central Texas region using the high-efficiency RICE technology will protect and benefit consumers.
Planning Phase
> Develop the Power Plant Concept - Complete
> Select and Purchase The Appropriate Site - Complete
> Select the Technology & Supplier - Complete
> Receive the Required Environmental Permits - Complete
> Design the Supply Path for Fuel - Complete
> Comply With ERCOT & ONCOR Criteria - In Progress
> Develop the Plant Design/Project Schedule - 80%
> Manage Construction of the Power Plant - Phase 1
Operating Phase
> Function as a Merchant Generator
> Operate as a Qualified Scheduling Enity (QSE)
> Provide Ready Reserve Capacity to ERCOT
> Supply Fast Start (5 Min to 100%) Capacity
> Maintain 98% Availability
> Maintain 95% Combustion Gas Clean-up
> Generate Up To 1300 Hours of Output Annualy
> Maintain the Engine/Generator on a Once Every 7 Year Cycle
> Operate at Highest Simple-Cycle, Natural Gas-Fired Efficiency